We have had a quiet couple of weeks and are enjoying the end of summer. Zach, my homebody, is loving his quiet time with mom and dad and Alex is doing great. He is gaining weight and I daresay I saw some cellulite on his newly chunky thighs. He enjoyed his first camping trip and was a wild man in the water, though we substituted smores around the campfire for rice cereal and pears:). Alex's surgery has been scheduled for September 28th and we are anxious to get it out of the way. Zach continues to be a super big brother and is helpful in so many ways. This Sunday Zach, his dad, and Uncle Corey are going to Zach's first Yankee game. He is over the moon about it and took his clothes out on Monday in anticipation of the big day. Toodles! I will post some pics next week as I left my camera in my in-laws vehicle. Oops!