How time flies! Alex has been home for almost 4 months and it feels like forever. He has cut teeth (finally!), talked, walked, had an operation and what seems like a million shots, been baptized, and celebrated his first Halloween. Whew! I don't know about Alex but I am tired. Alex has taken it all in stride, and amazes us every day with his smiles, ever present laugh (he is his mother's son), and determination. If you have not seen Alex since he came home you may not recognize him. He is growing a lot and LOVES his food. Alex is beginning to get ham hocks for legs (in addition to the big belly) and they are soooooo cute! He is healing well from his surgery and the surgical site does not bother him at all. The umbilical hernia is still there but we have been assured that it will resolve itself.
Alex's christening was a wonderful day. Aunt TT, Uncle Corey, and Aunt Melissa are Alex's godparents and Alex looked adorable walking around his party, possibly becoming overwhelmed with how much family he now has;) After that Alex and Zachary celebrated Eastern European day with all of our friends whose lives are touched by adoption. Everyone had a great time making crafts, learning new words and listening to a local teacher tell us a story in Russian. Zach and Alex were especially attentive, I could tell that Alex still remembered the cadence of the language; he was mesmerized as the woman spoke.
The Baldwin family attended the annual Brown family Halloween party and we had a great time. Somehow Zachary had convinced us to dress up Alex as Yoda and Zach complimented him by wearing a Clone Trooper costume. Both boys had a great day, and we all went home exhausted. Halloween was another great night. Zach, Alex, Kara, and Emily had a ball and our posse had a ball cruising the neighborhood for sugar.
Zachary is doing well and is so excited to begin his guitar lessons next week. I am afraid that we have a budding Jon Bon Jovi on our hands. He is great with Alex, and seems to have all of daycare/before care putty in his hands. We are blessed to have such wonderful boys.