The boys had a ball decorating eggs at Em and Kara's house on Friday; though I think we wound up wearing far more dye than they did:) Sunday can quickly and Zach was more than willing to tell us when it was 6:00am so he could get up (nice try Bud). The boys had a ball searching for their Easter baskets and eggs, and Zach was so cute helping Alex. Every time that Alex found an egg, he thought it was a ball and threw it across the room. Unfortunately we will have less egg salad this week as he cracked about 5 eggs;) The boys looked at their stash and chased each other around the house playing cars.
Soon it was time for church, which was slightly disastrous. Zach was great, Alex was another matter. Many shrieks later we left and brunched with the Hines' at our house. Even though there were only four kids; boy are they loud! In the afternoon we traveled to Don's grandmother's for a visit. Zach and Alex both had a ball playing with their cousins, and we all came hope happy and very tired.