Summer is so close we can taste it, and Zach and Alex have been taking full advantage of the good weather. Between Zach riding his bike and Alex saying, "Side, side", we feel like we are never indoors. Zach is almost done with baseball and although his team really is this generations version of the Bad News Bears, they have shown improvement and Zach loves being the team's catcher.
We have already been camping and Alex loves it as much as the rest of us do. Zach played with buddies all weekend and Alex did his best impression of Pig Pen. Alex continues to do well and is going through a big growth spurt right now, eating us out of house and home. He is talking more and more and loves to imitate everything his big brother does, including a somersault this morning! Maybe I'll get my Olympic gymnast yet:)
Zachary had his spring concert and true to form his teacher continues to put him behind taller children. He did a great job and we did the bob and weave so that we could see him show off. His birthday is coming up and he has given us ideas daily for gifts (far more than we have the money for of course:) Soon Zachary and I will be done with school and we have some great camping trips planned for the summer.
BTW The nail in the finger is NOT real, just our son's sense of humor at work.