Fall is in full swing and the Baldwins are a family on the go! Zach has had his first field trip and our annual apple picking was a great success. There is nothing like watching your sons spend time together looking for the holy grail of apples. We had a ball at the apple orchard with the boys shooting apple guns, riding go carts, playing on farm equipment, and picking out the best pumpkin on the vine.
Alex has been up to his old tricks this fall. He fell on a matchbox and we took a quick trip to the hospital so he could get five stitches near his eye. He was such a trooper though we were a little traumatized from the drugging and stitching. I am sure that this is only the beginning so I'm glad that we had an easy first child so we could ease into parenthood. Alex would really have been a shock to our symptoms if he was the oldest:)
Our family enjoyed the Eastern European and Russian Culture Festival that our adoption group holds every year. We all played with friends, heard Russian stories, made cultural crafts (really, doesn't everyone want to make a dombra;) and spent time with family. It was a great day and was so nice to see so many children that share birth countries and common cultures.
Toodles and have a wonderful weekend!