It seems like spring has finally come (though I did see the snow fly last week on my way to work). The boys are loving the nice weather and we have enjoyed spending time outdoors. Zack is playing baseball again and is FINALLY A YANKEE. He played a game on Friday and got a single, made a few good plays, and scored a run. He was happy with his performance and we had fun cheering him on. Alex yelled the whole game, it was so cute hearing him bellow "Go Zack" and "Go Yankees", looking for Zack on the field every chance he got.
Culture day for our adoption group was this past weekend and the kids had a ball. We did a lot of crafts from their birth countries and had a parade marching across the room with flag from their birth countries. We even had local Girl Scouts come and help out, which was great. It is so wonderful to see all of the kids interact and we all enjoy spending time together. The boys ran all over, and the event ended with the annual playground visit (while all of the moms picked up of course).