It seems so hard to believe that the end of fall is here and Christmas is around the corner! We have been a busy family these last few months and are looking forward to slowing down a little. Fall was filled with lots of fun things. We visited Westpoint and enjoyed a great concert given by the Marine Corps Band. The Baldwins went apple picking at Bowman's and played lots of Nerf guns at the fire house. I was busy with our local adoption group, AFCR, going to workshops, helping at at the Adoption Fair at the Marriot, and enjoying brunch with my sons and other familes formed by adoption. It is so great to see our kids laugh and play together, and funny to hear them compare birthplaces, making it sound boring if someone was born in the USA;)
Alex has returned to day care and is loving life. He enjoys spending time with Cheryl and all of his friends. Every day in the car I ask him how his day was, and Alex's reply is usually, "I had fun at Cheryl's today Mommy." He is learning his colors, can count, and knows his ABC's! Every day is an adventure with Alex, and his goal is to be as mischevious along the way as possible. The sun continues to rise and set with Zack, and Alex has even convinced him to join us when reading our bedtime stories.

Zachary has had a great return to school and is an A student. He has begun playing the trombone and loves it. I am pleasantly surprised that he sounds so good already. Tae Kwon Do is a new activity for Zack as well, and he loves showing us what Master Lee has taught him. His band, The Burnin' Rockers continue to thrive, and we have had many weekends of practice and a couple "concerts" thrown into the mix as well. My son the rocker;)

Halloween came and went, with a very busy (and soggy) night. The boys trick or treated in the rain with a friend and their cousins Emily, Kara, and Morgan. After collecting the loot, all of the kids were in the boys' clothes as everyone was completely soaked. The next week we had an assembly to attend as Zachary was named a student of good character. He was so proud of himself, as we were of him.
Thanksgiving is next week and my class has already cooked 71 pounds of turkey and prepped 10 bags of stuffing for our 12th annual Thanksgiving dinner. Having my own Thanksgivning dinner on Thursday should be a breeze;) Happy Thanksgiving everyone:)